Monday, November 21, 2011

I have serious issues with what you are choosing to NOT put in your body!!

"You really are giving me the red ass by this choice"

When I decided to to go vegan this I quickly found out it pissed a lot of people(Subway artists a story I will save for another day) and it baffled me at first and still does. One thing I learned a long time ago from being a vegetarian is for some reason when many people find out it invokes a lot of emotions....I am pretty sure this is from lacks of hugs or gold stars as a child. I am surrounded by meat eaters(was one myself at one time) and I rarely get angry at someones dietary choices. Would I like to see more people be veg ABSOLUTELY but do I get angry. Nah I am too weak to start an argument from lack of meat. I would rather wooooo them in with meals that my meat & baked loaded baked potato's husband even loves. 

So this is what this blog is about kinda the other gaps filled with musing of my daily life and sprinkled with sarcasm. Oh and I am training for a marathon because well I am pretty sure I enjoy pain. I wonder if I can just buy the 26.2 sticker for my car?