Wednesday, January 25, 2012

KT Tape

There are products I like & then there is products I love....

The first time I tried KT Tape it was a complete impulse buy which I don't usually do when it comes to running stuff. I usually spend hours of researching things online to see if they are REALLY worth it. I never usually throw something in my cart and just see if I like it. I guess I shouldn't call it a complete impulse buy. I was in the store looking for something for my knees just not tape. 

Like many people especially runners I have had issues with my knees. If anyone has done their research they will find out running itself isn't really that bad on your knees. I think runners just tend to just be more aware of their knee's most of the times. For me blaming running would kind of be silly with my history. I can probably on me fracturing my knee cap when I was 9, refusing to properly dive in volleyball in junior high always landing flat on my knees, a horrible fall during a cheer practice, and wearing high heels most of my life. Most people would think I am around 5'8....I am 5'4 ;) I like being short but I love the way heels make me feel! All those things have not been to kind to my knees over the years. When I got back into running I didn't listen to everyone like I should of. I walked into a big box store and got myself a pair of *running* shoes. I thought I was fine for quite while in my extremely poorly fitted shoes. I am pretty sure the many months I ran in bad shoes caused me problems I am still dealing with now!

It all started when I started to be able to really feel my knees when running. This is very unsettling feeling, but I didn't let it really bother me. Then the soreness after the runs, and not the good soreness you feel after a good work out. I started to warm up longer, stretch better, iced my knees more, and massage none of it made a difference. I kept running and added more strength training hoping to see a difference. I continued to run every other day doing around 4-8 mile runs. Believing that it was just a chapter that would pass. 

Then I woke up one morning to bring our oldest to school and I couldn't get out of bed. My legs were locking up and my knees felt like someone took a hammer to them. I considered calling Alexander into school it was that bad. I was scared I wouldn't be able to drive. I manged to roll out of bed and stretch my body. I was sure it had to be lactic acid build up & everyone else I talked  to agreed it probably was. I wobbled for almost a week after. I walked like I had just rode a horse bare back for 12 hrs. Standing up was horrible and getting out of the car I actually would shriek with pain. I just figured the more I moved the quicker I would get better. It lasted about a week and got a little better. Then I went for a run and was brought to my knees no pun intended. I have a very high pain tolerance. I have had natural child birth and didn't think that was that bad.....this made my eyes weld up in tears. 
I got in my car and drove down Iliff trying to decide if I needed to go to the doctor or just consider this a sign I am not suppose to be a runner. I was at this point in complete tears thinking I was going to have to stop running. 

I pulled myself together and pulled into a sporting goods store and decided I was going to get a knee brace. After opening up and trying on every brace they had in the store I realized that a brace and running was never going to be an option. I am sensitive about how things feel on my body. The feel and bulk of even the thinnest one would drive me crazy. I had issues even wearing knee pads when I did play volleyball. My husband has taped his knees off and on over the years with the athletic tape. It always looked sloppy and never seemed to really help. I have tried it also many times and saw really no difference. I didn't even consider trying it again.

As I was walking out of the store feeling defeated I looked down and saw a display of KT TAPE. At first thought it was just pretty colored athletic tape in nice boxes. I giggled to myself and even thought they had a nice gimmick going. BUT I grabbed a pink roll and bought it. I went home and did a full support wrap on my knees. The next day my knees felt better. I really thought it was all in my head tape couldn't make my knees feel better! I then started to research and found out there were gangs of people who also were having amazing results with KT TAPE. I was still cynical I won't lie. After a couple days of rest with the same tape still going strong I went for a run. It was one of the best runs I had since all the issues started. I didn't feel my knee caps during the run and if anything it felt like they were supported. After that I became a believer and my knees had a full support wrap on them almost every day for a couple months. Then in a light support wrap when running. It made a huge difference during and after. 

Then I had some issues with some rolls. I don't know what happen but it wasn't sticking. I think I might of just gotten some bad rolls. I had been though lots of rolls no issues. I was devastated. I stopped using the tape for a couple months and started to have knee pain again. I think this was due to over training on hills & some cross training that was very hard on the knees. I ended up talking to John at KT TAPE & he apologized and offered to send me some of their new PRO KT TAPE. I am a big one on good customer service and he exceeded it. He was very nice and personable. For many that might not matter, but for me it is what will make me loyal to a brand. Now I have been reading all about how amazing this tape was. In fact I don't think I read one negative about it other then you could easily wear it for a week & it still would be going strong.Which isn't really a negative thing! 

I got the package today....
There is no comparison I am beyond floored how amazing this stuff is!! 

The original was good don't get me wrong, but this is a whole different level of awesomeness. This is not a just stickier then the original. If I said that it would almost be insulting it.  I have only worn it one day but I am hooked. I will go as far to say I actually don't see any reason for anyone to buy the original. The price difference is not that much more which I was shocked of. Like I said I have only worn it for 1 day and I would happily pay $30 roll. I am in love with this tape! I have bought lots of things for running but KT TAPE & my beloved Brooks Adrenaline gts 12's have been the most valuable. If anything they are the reasons I am still running today. The new PRO tape has just re-forced that.

  • One of the things I was concerned about the stickiness. I did have some issues with a couple of the original one, but many rolls before that worked like a champ. I would usually get 1 really good day and it would last sometimes up too 3. The first day the tension was great but it did lessen over days. You can wear it with no prob in & out of water BUT I soak in a bath almost nightly on top of showering in the morning. A very hot bath for sometimes a hour+ I think that if anything why I usually would only get a nicely tight wrap 1 day. Others who just shower I have heard it lasting tight for longer. The 2nd-3rd day of wear it still did make a difference.
  •  There was part of me that thought because the PRO is suppose to also last longer it would be harder to apply. If anything it is the opposite. The PRO seems like a different adhesive I had no issue whatsoever it actually was the easiest application I have done. I ran 3 miles, did some strength training, sat in the sauna for 15 minutes, and then soaked in a tape feels exactly like it did when I applied it this morning. The tension is still perfect and none of the sides have rolled it looks like I just applied it.
  • The PRO doesn't have a T strip like the original. I didn't know how I felt about this at 1st but I can say I really think this might be a good thing. I think if you needed to you could make a T strip by cutting it. The full strip seems to make it even stronger. 
  • It doesn't seem as stretchy as the original and you have more control over it. This is my favorite part! Between my knees and husbands I have done applied KT a lot. The PRO is so easy to apply. I though my 1st knee was a fluke this morning, but after I did the other one I knew it wasn't.
  • The tape is light but powerful that is what made me fall in love with KT when I 1st tried it. The PRO is the same it isn't bulky at all.
  • One huge difference I see between the two is that the PRO really holds and stabilizes so much better. It is like night & day. I tread lightly saying that because the original is great but no where near what the PRO is. Now that I have tried the PRO I can't imagine ever going back. Even if someone was trying it for the 1st time I would still tell them to get the PRO. 


Comes in a awesome hard carrying case making it easy to bring with you!


Another surprise???

Tucked into the side of the box with the direction you also get a KT sticker! 

This picture was taken AFTER a 3 mile run, 30 mins of strength training, 15 mins sauna, and 1+ hot bath. Oh and it has been on for going on 11 hrs. It still looks and feels the same.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

A full week

It has been a full week since I have ran or had any real strenuous exercise. It has been a 2 weeks full of knee pain, battling the sickies, and rounded off with a wisdom tooth. I woke up this morning feeling amazing which means I'M GOING RUNNING <3 

I woke up to some yummy Tazo Awake & almond milk tea. Then had some Kashi
GOLEAN Crisp! Toasted Berry Crumbles with almond milk. It is the first time trying this Kashi cereal and I have to say I really like it!!! It tasted really good and was really filling. I am really bad at skipping breakfast....well I am really bad at forgetting to completely eat till 5-7PM. I am trying to get better at that and when I do eat breakfast I like to eat fresh fruits or oatmeal. That usually fills me up but leaves me feeling *light*. I probably had 1-1 1/2 cups of the Kashi and I was stuffed! I will eat it again but not as much and probably not in the morning. I could see myself eating it as a lunch.

Oh and before I forget did I tell you I am in love?
I love jalapeno chips. Like I really really love them!! I can remember the first time I had Tim's Cascade Jalapeno Chips  when I was younger and it was pure love. There is nothing that compares to Tim's they have a great taste, are hot, & are made in good ol' Washington state in Vancouver. I honestly have memories of these chips and attempting to eat them. Since moving to Colorado 8 yrs ago I have searched high and low for them with no luck. When I went vegan I was looking on on a list of vegan friendly foods and staring right at me was Tim's Cascade and I was heart broken. I considered having family or friends mail me a case from Washington or Oregon but quickly realized that I would sound insane. I have tried many different brands since moving to Colorado but most of them were cheese jalapeno and nastiness. Then yesterday Chad came home with a surprise for me Kettle Jalapeno Chips they are vegan, made in Salem Oregon I <3 to buy products from the Pacific Northwest, and taste great! They are no Tim's but pretty good :) When it comes to jalapeno chips I try to not buy them too often because I could easily eat a whole bag. They are also not the healthiest no matter how you slice and dice it. They are kind of like the rolled jalapeno potato tacos I make that I have also veganized. They are a treat.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The saga continues...

This Friday I get to get my wisdom tooth extracted :( It is why I have been feeling so crappy. I couldn't understand why I was having all this ear pain that radiated into my jaw. Then it hit me.....your freakin' wisdom tooth you refused to have pulled!!!

A few months ago I was having some pain and dragged myself to the dentist. She confirmed I had a wisdom tooth come in and needed to be pulled. She reassured me it was going to be very easy to extract. That it was half way out and not covered by gums at all. She then left the room and they assistant came in with a tray of tools and syringes. I then jumped up and said I needed to go to the bathroom. I then stalled in the bathroom trying to figure out a excuse to get out of it. I came back and told them I couldn't today because I had another appointment I couldn't change lies!! 

I am not sure why I did this to be honest. It was nothing short of just plain dumb now that I think about it. I am not scared of needles and have a pretty high pain tolerance. I am one of those woman that plans a completely natural child birth and then giggles afterwards because I can't understand why people think it is so bad. BUT a year or so ago Chad had 2 impacted wisdom teeth extracted and that messed me up! His face got all swollen and after I made the huge mistake of looking in his mouth and it was horrifying! The worst part was the meds wore off 1/2 way through and he could feel it why did he tell me this. We no longer go to this dentist and he should of demanded to be referred to a dental surgery center. We listened to the the dentist and he promised he could do it, and that was a mistake. I know mine is not a impacted but it still scares me.

After going in and being looked at it was confirmed that was what has been causing all my issues. Because I was squeezed in between a couple people it wasn't able to be done today. It really sucks because I am the only one I can blame for this. I am not able to run because my ear and jaw is killing me. I refuse to take even more  Ibuprofen so can attempt to run. I was able to do some yoga today that did relax me. I also felt nice and limber afterwards :) On a positive note I think I may found me a running buddy!! Now just to get this wisdom tooth extracted, because it is kinda cramping my style.

A very important number

I will let you know in a few months if this becomes even more of a important number. For now I don't want to jinx it ;) 

Monday, January 16, 2012

Oh My.....

This last week has just been kicking my a$$. First it was my knee and now the last 2 days have sucked soooo freakin' bad!! It started with a runny nose and sore throat...which sucked but was manageable. Then I woke up this morning with a horrible neck pain thinking I most of slept wrong then I quickly realized my ear and left side of jaw was throbbing. I thought it was a ear ache so after battling myself for almost 3hrs decided to take some Ibuprofen & felt a little better. Chad came home early and put some olive oil infused with garlic drops in my ear. He also held a warm wash cloth on my ear to help with the pain <3 My jaw still is kinda hurting which is making me wonder if maybe I need my wisdom tooth out which I have been putting off getting out. Either way it sucks and I refuse to be feeling like this in the morning!! I have been able to pretty much been able to firmly keep my butt in the bed since Sunday thanks to Chad. Who has taken beyond good care of me, and who let me sleep till almost 1PM on Sunday. Then I decided to get up and run which might of made it worst.

Good thing in between of sleeping and laying in bed I have managed to accomplish a lot of planning.....which I will post about later. I figure I probably should try to get up and at least stretch and eat something. I have watched way too much It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and played around Pinterest. I am determined to run tomorrow and turn this January around in terms of running. It sucks to be 2 wks in and be where I am at. I guess I can't really beat myself up too much. It is not like I have been lazy or not wanted too. I had a injury and then got sick. It isn't like I haven't worked out either, but it hasn't been running and that makes me sad.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Dreams & Things

All my life I really thought my dreams meant something. It might be because my dreams are so vivid it is hard to not think they do. They are so vivid even the good ones are really not good....if that makes any sense? Sometimes I get up in the morning and have a hard time shaking the actual dream and have to remind myself it didn't happen.

I dream a lot of my Gram which I think happens for a reason. I only dream of my Grandmother in ways that aren't very good. She is usually near death or in a bad situation. I don't know if this is maybe because I was the last person with her and found her dead or what. I use to want to dream of my sister all the time, and then it did happen. I dreamed I was at my Mom's home and I saw her coming through the backdoor into the kitchen. I was so excited and ran up and hugged her. It was then I realized I was the only person that knew she was going to die, but I couldn't tell anyone. Then the a car drove up she was actually killed in and she went to walk out the door and I watched her get in.

After that dream I realized I never wanted to dream of her again if that was how it was going to be. I had a couple other dreams with her in them but they were always of her as a toddler or preschooler but never her as a teenager. Then last night I dreamed about her last night again. It was again the same situation she was 15 and I knew she was going to die soon and I couldn't tell anyone. I was surrounded by my Mom and brothers. I was actually arguing with my one of my brother about something silly. I just remember being so upset because I wanted to warn Salenia or tell someone but I couldn't.

I also had another dream which involved a old friend that was.....ummmm I guess good. I actually get more confused by these ones then anything else. I guess I could justify this one by a few other things but still. I just can't understand why I dream so much of her. In this one I was dreaming about tattoo's too. She had tattooed a album cover on her chest. It was almost crazy because the tattoo was so beautiful and didn't look real. It was almost like 3D but so soft. Yeah I know that makes absolutely no sense what so ever! Sometimes it is good just to write some stuff down :)

Running on a treadmill is like going to the dentist but less enjoyable.

I have said it before and will say it again. I strongly dislike the treadmill. I would even venture to say that the treadmill ruins running or even stops people new to running. I am not sure if a love for running to be fully grown on a dreadmill.
Isn't it purrrty? 
When I first got back into running I did the TM a lot because my intense fear my asthma was going to flare up. I was scared I would be off running and have a attack and no one too help. This was probably more than anything fueled by them changing the formulation of Albuterol around the same time. It never has worked as well and even though I have never had a attack when running I got scared. That mixed with steep rolling hills around my house running on a TM did seem more appealing.

I struggled a lot even from the beginning. I knew it had been awhile since I really ran but it couldnt really be THIS hard right? My legs seemed to not be able to stay under me (Im fairly short at barely 5'5 & I am ALL upper body) no matter what the speed. I would bang my wrist some way some how constantly.  But mostly I would be fixated on the speed, time, & pace. No matter how good the music was!

It was when I decided that if I really ever wanted to do over a 10K over 6 miles on a TM is pretty much torture I needed to over come my fears. My 1st couple runs were horrible & amazing all in one. How in the love of glitter filled unicorn poop could my 1.5 mile run outside feel more of a workout abs aching & all then a 4.5 mile TM run? It didnt make sense to me at 1st. If anything just baffled me and made me wonder if it was all in my head. Could I really be losing it? I got into running to try to abstain my sanity! Even running in 400 meter circles at the near by high school track was even awesome.

Then during my one of my horrific runs that started out amazingly prefect. I wish I was kidding I am talking alone on a trail, approaching dusk, 2 men in a white "raper" van, and almost jumped in a deep creek out of fear To this day I don't like to think of what would of happen if that man jogging who came out of almost nowhere. He may of stopped this very dumb girl running alone at dusk on a trail alone with no protection from getting really hurt. Other than being scared I did noticed something else when I got back to my car. I ran faster even if it felt like I was going slower. I wasn't really going slower I just wasn't straining, but mostly I was really enjoying my run. It was then I decided no more trail runs alone or at dusk and I was going to run outdoors as much as possible.

Today I decided to go to the gym & jump on a TM. It was a beautiful day, but needed to be able to end a run quickly if needed be. For the last week I was experiencing some knee pain, but this was different pain. I had some knee pain when I first started. I hate to say it was from not properly fitted running shoes. This stupid mistake on my part I slowed & almost stopped most of my running for awhile. This pain was usually on the sides of my knees and most of the time only when running. This time my pain was on the top of the knee cap on my right leg. The worst part was it was pretty much a constant throbbing. I took a couple days off running but I did the Ripped in 30. Today the pain was almost nonexistent so I figured to give it a try. I figured 3 miles was short enough to be able to do comfortably and long enough that if I was going to have pain I would. I did use 1 strip of KT Tape under my right knee to stabilize a little. I went 3.2 miles and felt great! I went home and stretched and then stretched some more. Followed by icing and then soaking a long bath. I am going to be watching it closely but I am glad to say I can get back to running :)

The only downside to the run was that it was on a treadmill. Even if I was planning on a slow steady run I struggled with even going over a speed of 6. I was more winded then I should of been and it was because my stride wasn't as good as outdoors. The worse part was like always I was fixated on the numbers in front of me. It's almost like a punishment watching the numbers and putting a towel over it doesn't help much.

In the end treadmills suck but definitely serve their purpose. If any thing when I am really forced to use them it makes me realize how much I love running outdoors! Sometimes it is good to have a friendly reminder of how great it is to run outdoors. 

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Super powers induced by coffee & running for charity

I had my 1st cup of coffee in months after switching my pot(s) of coffee for 1 sometimes 2 cups of tea in the mornings. I switched only for because when I changed my diet I had such a HUGE change in energy I didn't really need coffee. I will be the 1st to say I love the taste & smell of coffee hands down.....but I needed that coffee before. I drank it because I needed the extra boost it gave me. I got so jacked up it almost wasn't funny!! For a few moments I *might* of thought I had super powers.
In  uncaffeinated news...

I was beating myself up pretty bad last night about the lack of running I have done this week. I have been working out but I haven't ran. I started to get knee pain and wrapped my knee with KT Tape and stayed off it. Knee pain isn't a new thing too me, but this pain was different then what I have had before. When it happens it usually is on the sides, and only when I am running. This time it has been on the top of my knee cap on my right leg and pretty constant :(

Tonight I am going to attempt to run on the dreadmill at the gym ughh. I am hoping to do a 3 mile run and see how it feels. I figure that will be short enough that it won't be a strain & long enough that if it is going to flair up after it will. I am going to take it slow and steady vs the speed intervals I really want to be doing! I am going to ice it afterwards and hope for the best. If I have any pain during or after I may have to take a rest completely until there is no pain at all. Which means no cross training or Ripped in 30. Will just be doing lots of stretching & maybe yoga. I am just trying to not even thinking about that right now.

I am determined to work out in all the kinks in my training plan by this weekend is over. I have been going back and forth between a couple of them. I am hoping to mash them both up and make a hopefully semi perfect one.

I also have been putting some more thought into maybe raising money for a charity for my 1st marathon. I at first didn't want to because I was scared I wouldn't be able to finish kind of silly but a honest worry lol DetermiNation was the first one I looked into and probably still the front runner. I have looked into them a lot & talked to them a couple times. They have a lot of benefits for the actually runner and are of course a solid organization. Mostly I wouldn't have to worry about where my $$$$ I was raising was going. There are a couple other smaller ones that I really like too. One thing about the smaller ones is they don't have a lot of teams/runners raising money. They don't have all the support the bigger organizations have, but if you are only doing it for the "swag" then you probably should be doing it. I want to think raising the funds wouldn't be a issue..... I have quickly pulled out my checkbook for every fundraiser all my friends have had for their kids etc. I think they could return the favor even in a small amount :) The one + with DetermiNation is I don't think I would have any problems reaching the minimum goal if not more. That is also another thing I have to really think about.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I am surrendering to bad produce & chia seeds

I love Colorado, but I have a huge issue and have for the past 8 years. I can not get over how produce here seems to be if anything but substandard. I am not talking about the cantaloupes and listeria :( It has been a almost constant battle for me, and I strongly dislike frozen. I have tried all different kinds and they all seem to taste processed and just all around bad. 

I have skated around this issue since we have moved here. I would go on a *kick* and only eat what was tasting good that week. This was annoying but not a big issue until I went vegan. Mostly because when you are a ova-lacto vegetarian is really not that hard to do. It can also be pretty unhealthy. I will throw ova-lacto vegs under the bus with this one. It is sad but many don't eat much actual real vegetables & fruits. Not to mention load up on processed foods :( I am not anti someone being one don't get me wrong! I was one for the better part of my life, and I know many. It is very easy to be unhealthy and even over weight some of the people I know who have battle most with their weights have been lacto-ova. It is hard to be unhealthy or over weight if not losing if you switch if you are a vegan. This of course if you do it the right way which I have found as I have transitioned is KEY. If you don't plan & prepare it is easy to fail. My meat and dairy lovin' husband cut down drastically on his milk intake had crazy results. It wasn't really his reason for it but lost a huge amount of weight. This was JUST from cutting down/out milk & other dairy products. I don't believe in to many conspiracy's......but I really think the government & diary industry not talking about the small farmers doesn't have the best for us in mind when mass producing the products for consumers.

When I 1st switched I struggled only with really 1 part which is getting fresh fruit/veggies. I did my normal cherry picking of stores that I knew had the best stuff. I of course upped my level of fresh produce and it was a lot more then before. I think no matter what dietary needs you have you should eat as much fresh none processed foods you can. SHOP THE OUTSIDE OF THE GROCERY STORE! The aisles are filled with junk and for the most part is stuff you & your family should not be putting in your body. I didn't want to transition to vegan and do it with a bunch of processed *fake* products. I like many have read Skinny Bitch which I did like but took it as very tongue and cheek. My biggest issue with that book was not their in your face borderline offensive delivery like many will think. It's that they say they are anti processed foods and then advocate vegan processed food options. Their meal plan was where they lost me. Now I know for someone who may go from eating meat to vegan it might appeal too. I have never eaten bologna so I am not planning no eating torfurkey cold cults ;-) I do eat some processed foods I just try to stay away from as much as I can. 

I wish I could say it was the taste of the produce that was the only issue which it is. If anything it was for some reason the produce was bad if not before leaving the store if not in a 1-2 days. Nothing is worse then grabbing for something and it being so soft if you grabbed it too hard you would crush it completely. I knew this was going to be a issue but I put it on the back burner till last week. It was then it became something I had to move up to front & center. 

I spent a couple weeks with very weak if not horrible produce all around. Last week I felt defeated and bought 50% what I needed on my list frozen. I knew I would be disappointed but really didn't have much of a choice. Most of the frozen stuff sat in the freezer. It was about day 3 that the effect of being a vegan and not eating as much as I should be started to come into play. I felt weak for the 1st time since I switched. My mood was roller coasting and I noticed that quickly. My workouts were suffering. All this also made me fall off the wagon a few times. I had some dairy products a couple of times & got really sick both times. My stomach bloated out like I was pregnant and I balled up in the fetal position. It was  accompanied with feeling like I was going to throw up & severe heart burn. This freaked me out!! I think going vegan is a process so I didn't mentally beat myself up but my body did that for me. 

So with this experience I decided right then and there I was going to have to deal with what I have. I am going to have to work my meal plans even if it is daily to what I can find good in the store fresh daily. I also might just have to go outside of my comfort zone and try different recipes. I could eat the same probably 10 meals over and over again. I have also found even though I don't like frozen stir fry mixes aren't too terrible so I will always have my tofu stir fry standby. 

Ch Ch Ch Chia!!!
Oatmeal with chia seeds & blueberries in my snazzy Christmas bowl

For awhile I have been hearing about Chia seeds and how amazing they were. I 1st  heard about them on several different running forums. People were calling them everything from a super food to saying they helped improve their running. I didn't really put to much thought into them. It wasn't till my friend Paula asked me about them again and if I had tried them. I did a little more research and thought they were worth a try. If you haven't ever heard of its health benefits they seem like some awesome little seeds!

I picked some up from GNC and put them in my oatmeal this morning. You are suppose to soak the seeds in water or a liquid for 15-30 mins. They expand into a kind of a gel substance around the seed. They don't have any taste to them but I did notice the texture. I have heard people just drinking them in water this is something I couldn't do. I did notice that I did feel fuller then I usually would. I also had to almost force myself to eat lunch. I am bad at forgetting to eat already and need to up my calories with the amount of exercise I am doing. That is probably my biggest negative thing with them that they do fill up, but for many people that would be a big + I am going to give the bag a try and think I am going to try them in a shake next.