Friday, February 24, 2012

Crazy Sexy Diet Adventure Cleanse~Day 5

Ekkkk I haven't been able to update & I guess in some ways that is a good thing. Sooooo here is a quick update of what has been going on.....

Day 2 
Was really a great day <3 I tweaked the juice around subbing the pears with a red apple. I also left out the romaine lettuce/ginger and added a little bit of pineapple. For me I liked this combination a lot better and was able to drink around 32oz. I didn't really eat lunch but snacked on unsalted roasted almonds. For dinner I had a romaine salad topped with avocado & cherry tomatoes w/ vegan ranch. Followed by a marinara I made from fresh veggies and for the 1st time I tried some gluten-free noodles not to bad I have to say! 

Day 3 
 Was a complete disaster! It started out with pretty much a lot of stress and things just not falling together. I did do a coffee enema that evening which I HIGHLY recommend. I will talk about this more in another post. I had to do a lot of running around and getting things sorted out. I have a very bad habit of when I am stressed of not eating or just forgetting to all together. I ended up pretty much not eating that day. I ended the day eating some yummy vegan sushi. I like nori but after a couple pieces it gets overwhelming. I also don't like that I can't take a smaller bite and have to shove it all in my mouth. I found soy wrappers a few weeks ago. Chad found a place that used them & picked some up for me :) 

Day 4 
Pretty much the sewage of day 3 seeped into day 4 nice huh? I pretty much ate a couple handful of almonds & some corn chips/salsa. I was able to finish all the errands I needed to do and tie up all the loose ends that made the last 2 days stressful. Because I like to be positive I can say I was able to get 2 really good and restful nights of sleep! Feel asleep fast and slept really hard feeling refreshed when waking up. 

Day 5 
When I put my mind to it. I can do anything. I am Wonder Woman and I wear bullet proof cuffs. I am able to wrangle my cravings with my Magic Lasso and remove them via my Invisible Plane-I'm in charge!

So today started out with some some hot water w/ lemon & cayenne. I have been doing this every morning and I am really really liking it. I don't think it is something I am going to stop doing anytime soon. I didn't juice this morning that is mainly because I have decided to change it up a little bit. I am STILL going to be juicing but I am going to switch to the smoothies in the morning. I really looked at my eating habits overall over the years. The only time I have ever been able to really eat in the mornings and not get sick was for 2 yrs. That 2 yrs was when I was breastfeeding Maxwell and it was only because I would force myself to eat oatmeal & blueberries. I need the calories in the morning/afternoon so I am going to make smoothies. I will still be juicing but I am going to be adding a smoothie(s) :) 

Along with my normal exercise I really really need to finish my pages on here I started a push-up, squat, and sit-up program last week. I also did a huge thing that I am determined to stick to. I have a bad bad bad habit of weighing myself multiple times a day. It is pretty much just a habit the scale is in the bathroom, and when I go in there I just step on it. Yes, I know your weight fluctuates through out the day. No, I don't think after peeing or eating it makes that big of a difference. It just is a bad habit. So I got rid of it OK, that's a lie I put it away I was originally going to weigh myself after the 21 cleanse. Then I decided that this cleanse is not about losing weight so I am not going to do it then. This cleanse was about not about only continuing to be a vegan. It was bigger then that. It was like Kris talks about not being a muffin vegan. It was about cleansing my mind, body, and soul. So I am going to wait till April 8th which happens to also be Easter. I love Easter it just might be my favorite holiday. It will also mark the 40 day mark of the last time I will have weighed myself. I am debating instead of weighing myself at home waiting and getting my body fat % measured. This is what really matters to me more then the # on the scale! 

I am sucking no reason to candy coat it at meditation. It is something I really really want to get good at. I think it is important way before I read this book. It is something I will get better at! I know right now it is hard and I know it will get better as I work on it. I have a hard time shutting my mind off for even 15-20 mins. If anything this just means I really need to get good at this! One thing that I really giggled at was when Kris pointed out The Beatles did it every day & if it was good enough for them it was for you. I am a HUGE  Beatles fan! Like not someone who just likes a couple of their songs. I LOVE them <3 I have pretty much my whole life and might be somewhat of a super fan lol They are actually what I listen to well probably 80% of the play list when I run. 

Tonight I am headed on a run & am planning on getting some strength training in along with my squats, sit-ups, and push-up challenges. I am also hoping to sit in the sauna at the gym for awhile and mediate in there. One thing I haven't talked about really is the dry brushing that is recommended. I have been doing this and I.LOVE.IT!! My skin was already pretty soft but even after such a short time I notice a huge change. My skin feels like I have been layering the lotion on. Which is kinda funny because I haven't used any since I started dry brushing :)  

Monday, February 20, 2012

Crazy Sexy Diet Adventure Cleanse~Day 1

DAY 1 
I am capable, confident, intelligent, resilient and in charge. Heath and happiness are my birthrights and I accept with gratitude. 

Day one 1 went well with a few but expected bumps in the road. I started the day out really well and experimented with Kris's "Make juice not war" green juice. It was good but not my favorite. It wasn't hard to drink by far and I don't even want to say it was bad. It just needs to be tweaked a bit to make it a perfect blend for me. I am also going to get a fancy big wine glass to drink it out of. I think a pretty glass is what I need to drink my Princess Juice out of. Yeah I renamed it Princess Juice <3 My biggest issue which has nothing to do with the cleanse is that I just don't eat enough. I tend to not eat during the day and then eat my only meal in the evening. It isn't on purpose I just honestly forget or even worse fill up on fluids. I love to sit and drink ice cold water and hot tea all day. Maybe snacking on raw almonds off and on. The messed up thing is it doesn't happen because I am running around. Most of the times it happens when I just sitting at home. I am have to get better at this and I am hoping that if anything this cleanse will help change this! I have decided that if it means setting a alarm on my phone or even carrying a bento box with me I will do it. 

20 questions for 21 days
  1. Did you abstain from coffee? Yes, I cut most of that out when going vegan in November :)
  2. Did you abstain from alcohol? Yes, this isn't a big deal for me.
  3. Did you abstain from gluten? Yes, I am really excited about this!
  4. Did you abstain from animal products? Oh course! 
  5. Did you abstain from crack(aka sugar) and choose low-glycemic fruits and better alternatives such as stevia or agave? Yes
  6. Did you dry brush today? A big YES and I LOVED it!
  7. Did you clean your sinuses with the good ol' neti pot? No, but I am planning on going to the store and getting one ASAP I never thought I would say that!
  8. Did you move your body for at least 35 minutes? It was my *rest* day but I did get in a pretty good work out.
  9. Did you meditate for at least 15-20 minutes? I only made it 8-9 minutes, but it felt great. I AM going to get to 20 minutes. 
  10. Did you chew your meals throughly and mindfully? Yes 
  11. Did you laugh out load and tell someone you loved him or her today? I was very filled with love and let everyone around me know that <3 
  12. Did you spend time in nature? Even 5 minutes is better than nothing. No...I won't even stretch the truth and lie. 
  13. Did you get 8 hrs of uninterrupted sleep? Big ol' fail on this one :(
  14. Did you eat today and juice? Yes, but I need to get better. I talked about the juice issue. My biggest issue is that I just do not eat enough. I tend to forget to eat till the end of the day. I am determined to get better at this. Even if it means setting a alarm on my phone!
  15. How much purified water did you consume? No, I need to either buy or get a filter. 
  16. What supplements did you take? I get B-12 shots(changing to sub-lingual once I use up the last 8 I already paid for. I don't want the aluminum in my body!) I need to pick up some Vitamin D. 
  17. How was your elimination? It is not where it should be still. It was great right after going vegan(1st time in my life!). The 1st month I went to a pretty much raw vegan. When I added back in grains etc. it was very apparent my gluten intolerance. 
  18. What time did you stop eating? There hours before bed is optimum? Yes
  19. How did you feel physically? I was tried near the end of the day but that had to do more with being tired. Overall I felt great.
  20. How do you feel emotionally? It was a good day. I was emotional but in a good way. 

Can I be Crazy & Sexy?

A few days ago I ran to the grocery store to just grab a couple things really quick after I picked Alexander up from school. My plan was to get in and out before the  madness of the 3-6 PM rush. I was done and Alexander manged to pull me into the book/magazine isle. As I attempted to shuffle him along a book caught my eye or maybe the title of the book did. I flipped through a couple of the pages attempting to see if I could find anything crazy or sexy. Then headed on my sweet little way. 

That night for some reason I couldn't get this book out of my head. I actually couldn't sleep I kept thinking about the couple of pages I glanced at. That morning I ran out and bought the book. It has been a very very long time since a book called me. I sat down and read it all in one afternoon and by the end of the 1st chapter I knew why. 

I feel silly because I didn't know who Kris Carr was!! I slightly remember seeing her a long time ago on CNN. She is the author of Crazy, Sexy, Cancer & also had a documentary on TLC titled the same. As I was reading it all I could think was, "Why didn't anyone tell me about her before!" I can honestly say I feel like I stumbled upon this book at the perfect time in my life. 

This book took a whole new take on a plant based diet. Not only did Kris Carr take an approach that was easy to understand. If anything she talks about it in a very real and honest way. It was refreshing because being a vegetarian/vegan is not hard! If anything it is painfully simple people just want to think it is hard. There is no counting carbs, points, calories, or anything else. It's simple you just don't eat anything that had a mother or face. Being a vegan you just add in stuff that comes from an animal. I think the biggest issue with most people is that they approach it as a diet. Going veg/vegan is not a diet it is a lifestyle. I personally think that this is a huge positive! Who wants to be on a diet the rest of their lives? Kris Carr does't talk about it as a diet even if the book has diet in the title she jokes about that too! 

The book is funny & candid mixed with information that can not only change but save your life. When I first picked it up I thought it might be similar to the Skinny Bitch book. I liked Skinny Bitch don't get me wrong, but I had several issues with it. It can be very overwhelming reading it and not in a good way for many people. I laughed at many parts and their overall attitude toward life in general. Skinny Bitch at times has the feeling of the mean girls in high school attempting to bully you into going vegan. They also promote a lot of processed/mock meat substitutes. You don't read Skinny Bitch and feel really inspired after. With Crazy, Sexy, Diet you feel inspired to want to make a change in your life not just diet. She also promotes eating clean & living up to your full potential. Kris is also really good at talking about how a plant based diet might be the best, BUT also talks how even incorporating aspects of it could change your life. Someone who never plans on going veg could read her book and take a lot from it. As someone who has been a vegetarian most of her life and recent vegan I felt like I had found a pot of gold <3 

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


The last few weeks I have not been feeling very well :( BUT lots has happen! I am hoping to post tomorrow about everything.