Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The saga continues...

This Friday I get to get my wisdom tooth extracted :( It is why I have been feeling so crappy. I couldn't understand why I was having all this ear pain that radiated into my jaw. Then it hit me.....your freakin' wisdom tooth you refused to have pulled!!!

A few months ago I was having some pain and dragged myself to the dentist. She confirmed I had a wisdom tooth come in and needed to be pulled. She reassured me it was going to be very easy to extract. That it was half way out and not covered by gums at all. She then left the room and they assistant came in with a tray of tools and syringes. I then jumped up and said I needed to go to the bathroom. I then stalled in the bathroom trying to figure out a excuse to get out of it. I came back and told them I couldn't today because I had another appointment I couldn't change lies!! 

I am not sure why I did this to be honest. It was nothing short of just plain dumb now that I think about it. I am not scared of needles and have a pretty high pain tolerance. I am one of those woman that plans a completely natural child birth and then giggles afterwards because I can't understand why people think it is so bad. BUT a year or so ago Chad had 2 impacted wisdom teeth extracted and that messed me up! His face got all swollen and after I made the huge mistake of looking in his mouth and it was horrifying! The worst part was the meds wore off 1/2 way through and he could feel it why did he tell me this. We no longer go to this dentist and he should of demanded to be referred to a dental surgery center. We listened to the the dentist and he promised he could do it, and that was a mistake. I know mine is not a impacted but it still scares me.

After going in and being looked at it was confirmed that was what has been causing all my issues. Because I was squeezed in between a couple people it wasn't able to be done today. It really sucks because I am the only one I can blame for this. I am not able to run because my ear and jaw is killing me. I refuse to take even more  Ibuprofen so can attempt to run. I was able to do some yoga today that did relax me. I also felt nice and limber afterwards :) On a positive note I think I may found me a running buddy!! Now just to get this wisdom tooth extracted, because it is kinda cramping my style.

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