Friday, February 24, 2012

Crazy Sexy Diet Adventure Cleanse~Day 5

Ekkkk I haven't been able to update & I guess in some ways that is a good thing. Sooooo here is a quick update of what has been going on.....

Day 2 
Was really a great day <3 I tweaked the juice around subbing the pears with a red apple. I also left out the romaine lettuce/ginger and added a little bit of pineapple. For me I liked this combination a lot better and was able to drink around 32oz. I didn't really eat lunch but snacked on unsalted roasted almonds. For dinner I had a romaine salad topped with avocado & cherry tomatoes w/ vegan ranch. Followed by a marinara I made from fresh veggies and for the 1st time I tried some gluten-free noodles not to bad I have to say! 

Day 3 
 Was a complete disaster! It started out with pretty much a lot of stress and things just not falling together. I did do a coffee enema that evening which I HIGHLY recommend. I will talk about this more in another post. I had to do a lot of running around and getting things sorted out. I have a very bad habit of when I am stressed of not eating or just forgetting to all together. I ended up pretty much not eating that day. I ended the day eating some yummy vegan sushi. I like nori but after a couple pieces it gets overwhelming. I also don't like that I can't take a smaller bite and have to shove it all in my mouth. I found soy wrappers a few weeks ago. Chad found a place that used them & picked some up for me :) 

Day 4 
Pretty much the sewage of day 3 seeped into day 4 nice huh? I pretty much ate a couple handful of almonds & some corn chips/salsa. I was able to finish all the errands I needed to do and tie up all the loose ends that made the last 2 days stressful. Because I like to be positive I can say I was able to get 2 really good and restful nights of sleep! Feel asleep fast and slept really hard feeling refreshed when waking up. 

Day 5 
When I put my mind to it. I can do anything. I am Wonder Woman and I wear bullet proof cuffs. I am able to wrangle my cravings with my Magic Lasso and remove them via my Invisible Plane-I'm in charge!

So today started out with some some hot water w/ lemon & cayenne. I have been doing this every morning and I am really really liking it. I don't think it is something I am going to stop doing anytime soon. I didn't juice this morning that is mainly because I have decided to change it up a little bit. I am STILL going to be juicing but I am going to switch to the smoothies in the morning. I really looked at my eating habits overall over the years. The only time I have ever been able to really eat in the mornings and not get sick was for 2 yrs. That 2 yrs was when I was breastfeeding Maxwell and it was only because I would force myself to eat oatmeal & blueberries. I need the calories in the morning/afternoon so I am going to make smoothies. I will still be juicing but I am going to be adding a smoothie(s) :) 

Along with my normal exercise I really really need to finish my pages on here I started a push-up, squat, and sit-up program last week. I also did a huge thing that I am determined to stick to. I have a bad bad bad habit of weighing myself multiple times a day. It is pretty much just a habit the scale is in the bathroom, and when I go in there I just step on it. Yes, I know your weight fluctuates through out the day. No, I don't think after peeing or eating it makes that big of a difference. It just is a bad habit. So I got rid of it OK, that's a lie I put it away I was originally going to weigh myself after the 21 cleanse. Then I decided that this cleanse is not about losing weight so I am not going to do it then. This cleanse was about not about only continuing to be a vegan. It was bigger then that. It was like Kris talks about not being a muffin vegan. It was about cleansing my mind, body, and soul. So I am going to wait till April 8th which happens to also be Easter. I love Easter it just might be my favorite holiday. It will also mark the 40 day mark of the last time I will have weighed myself. I am debating instead of weighing myself at home waiting and getting my body fat % measured. This is what really matters to me more then the # on the scale! 

I am sucking no reason to candy coat it at meditation. It is something I really really want to get good at. I think it is important way before I read this book. It is something I will get better at! I know right now it is hard and I know it will get better as I work on it. I have a hard time shutting my mind off for even 15-20 mins. If anything this just means I really need to get good at this! One thing that I really giggled at was when Kris pointed out The Beatles did it every day & if it was good enough for them it was for you. I am a HUGE  Beatles fan! Like not someone who just likes a couple of their songs. I LOVE them <3 I have pretty much my whole life and might be somewhat of a super fan lol They are actually what I listen to well probably 80% of the play list when I run. 

Tonight I am headed on a run & am planning on getting some strength training in along with my squats, sit-ups, and push-up challenges. I am also hoping to sit in the sauna at the gym for awhile and mediate in there. One thing I haven't talked about really is the dry brushing that is recommended. I have been doing this and I.LOVE.IT!! My skin was already pretty soft but even after such a short time I notice a huge change. My skin feels like I have been layering the lotion on. Which is kinda funny because I haven't used any since I started dry brushing :)  

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